Daily Bible Reading

Reading the Old Testament in our Devotions

All the Bible is God’s Word, and is beneficial, but different parts have different purposes. Some parts are more suitable for study than devotional reading and we can get discouraged if we make this mistake. Here is a way of deciding where to read.

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Mark in a Month 6. Loving and Worshipping the One Who Ransomed us

Let us read the last three chapters, and feel what it was like for Jesus, the one who paid our ransom, and be filled with love and adoration for him.

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Mark in a Month 5. Two Difficult Passages in Mark (11:23-24 & ch.13)

Most of Mark’s Gospel is very easy to understand, but here are a couple of passages that give people problems: Jesus’ instructions about praying in faith seem confusing, and his predictions about the end of the age are hard to make sense of.

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Mark in a Month 4. The Unexpected Message at the Center of Mark (8:22-10:52)

The center of Mark holds the core of Jesus’ teachings, but it is not what anyone was expecting. Even today there are many who think they are followers of Jesus but don’t understand this idea. First and foremost the challenge is to us, to follow Jesus in this surprising way.

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Mark in a Month 3. Making Sure our Hearts are not Hard, and our Ears are Ready to Hear (Mark 4:9-13, 8:17-19)

Does God deliberately harden people’s hearts to stop them repenting? Why did Jesus frequently accuse the disciples of unbelief? These are some of the questions that come up as we read through Mark, and lead to some powerful opportunities of hearing Jesus speak to us.

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Mark in a Month 2. Reading through Mark - The Big Story and Structure

Let Mark’s presentation of Jesus engage you, captivate you, and change your life!

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Mark in a Month Reading Schedule

A schedule for reading the Gospel of Mark in just over a month

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Mark in a Month 1. Hearing God Speak to you Personally Through the Bible (Matt 5:13-16 & Mark 1:1-20)

A method for daily Bible readings that you can try out for yourself, which will help you to more clearly hear God speak to you through the Bible.

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