New Testament Theology

New Creation in Christ: the Effect of being Joined to Jesus (1 Cor 15; Rom 6:5-14)

iving in the New, not the Old: Here is a challenge to grasp the implications of what the Bible says about our radical new status and see two huge ways in which being in the New Creation changes everything.

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The Father Heart of God (Part 1) Luke 12 & 15

Because our parents were imperfect, we can have problems with God as a parent figure. It is so important to correct this so that we can experience the intimacy and security that the Father offers us.

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Knowing How Much you are Loved by God (Eph 3:14-21)

The greatest joy in the Christian life is to feel and know the intensity of the love of Jesus, that surpasses knowledge.

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Is Tithing for Today, and if not, how much should we give now in the New Covenant? (2 Cor 8 & 9)

Was tithing actually 10% ?, what does the New Testament say about it, and what are the principles for how much we should give?

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Pentecost and being Filled with the Spirit (Acts 1:8; Eph 5:18)

The goal for this talk is: Clarity in understanding what the Bible teaches about being filled with the Spirit, and how to be filled ourselves.

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Exploring the Deep Encouragement in one of the Richest Psalms: Ps 103

This psalm is beautifully constructed, and designed to stir our hearts to praise God by painting a picture of how he cares for us so deeply. What encouragement!

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A New Revelation of Love (1 John 4:7-11)

We already knew that God is a God of power yet compassion, purity yet forgiveness, high above all but utterly faithful as a friend. But Jesus revealed something new, something shocking, something almost unbelievable, at the very core of the supreme being.

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What the Bible says about Blessing

What does it mean to bless someone? Does it actually do anything? How can a human bless God? We need a firm Biblical foundation for answering these questions.

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Baptism: Leaving the Old and Entering the New (Romans 6:3–11)

The truth behind baptism is deeply empowering and encouraging, and can explain some of the tensions we experience as we try to live the Christian life.

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