Relationship With God

How We Should Bring our Complaints to God (Psalms 54 & 142)

  • A third of the book of Psalms is devoted to bringing complaints to God.
  • But the form of these complaints is very specific.
  • By giving us so many pslams in this form, God is telling us that he wants to hear the honest cries of our heart,
  • but also teaching us how he wants us to bring these complaints to him.

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God Saves and Uses Messed-Up People (Genesis 20)

Why is this story even in the Bible? It certainly does not show Abraham as an example of Faith. It is one of the oddest stories in Genesis, but it has a powerful and encouraging message for us.

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The Father Heart of God (Part 1) Luke 12 & 15

Because our parents were imperfect, we can have problems with God as a parent figure. It is so important to correct this so that we can experience the intimacy and security that the Father offers us.

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Knowing How Much you are Loved by God (Eph 3:14-21)

The greatest joy in the Christian life is to feel and know the intensity of the love of Jesus, that surpasses knowledge.

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When God Speaks like a Mother (Is 49 & 66; Matt 23)

God sometimes uses the language of a mother to describe how he relates to us. There are beautiful scriptures where he tells us how he sees us, hears our cry and deeply cares for us, using mother imagery.

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A New Revelation of Love (1 John 4:7-11)

We already knew that God is a God of power yet compassion, purity yet forgiveness, high above all but utterly faithful as a friend. But Jesus revealed something new, something shocking, something almost unbelievable, at the very core of the supreme being.

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Chesed —A Word for Love Stronger than Any Other (Is 54:10; Ps 136 +)

Through stories of how God relates to humans we learn of a different kind of love that is at the core of who God is. Chesed is utterly faithful, loyal to the very end, a love that will never let you go. When you understand it, there is no word that is more beautiful.

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'I Will be With You!' - The most important thing to know in the coming year (Gen 12-35)

The most amazing promises of God being with people run through the Bible. If we can truly get hold of these promises and allow them to sink deeply into us, it will be a huge strength for us as we go into the New Year

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Connecting Deeply with Jesus as a Human (Heb 4:15-16)

Jesus became a man, in part, so that we could have a deep relationship with him. The challenge today is, how can we deepen that relationship?

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