Biblica: Biblical and Practical Teaching

Welcome to the videos, audio and notes from the weekly teaching at Newlife Church, Toronto

How the Cross and Resurrection changed Everything — Col 2:8-19

Union with Christ in both his death and resurrection is the single most important truth in the whole of Christianity. If you truly understand what it means for you, and live out of this new reality, then it will affect you profoundly.

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Truth that brings life — Col 1:1-11

In this remarkable passage we see a vivid image of the New Creation that links back to the old, but also points forward to how we can spread the Gospel, and the source of growth and fruit in our lives.

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What is Faith? (Acts 17)

Today’s culture completely misunderstands what ‘Faith’ means. Let’s be very clear about what it really means and be challenged

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Evangelism: the Journey to Jesus--A Helpful Example in John 4:43-54

Even if you are a Christian, there are some deep challenges in this story. Jesus wants to keep moving you along the journey until you really know who he is, and act accordingly.

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Evangelism for Timid Christians (Journey to Jesus) — John 3 & 4

  • Why do most Christians find it so hard to share the Gospel?
    • fearful of being looked down on
    • don’t know what to say
    • it could create an awkward moment


  • To provide some practical help and encouragement for sharing our faith
  • Key idea: New Life comes in a moment, but conversion is often a journey
  • God’s job is to save them. Ours is simply to help them on the journey

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The Father Heart of God (Part 1) Luke 12 & 15

Because our parents were imperfect, we can have problems with God as a parent figure. It is so important to correct this so that we can experience the intimacy and security that the Father offers us.

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Knowing How Much you are Loved by God (Eph 3:14-21)

The greatest joy in the Christian life is to feel and know the intensity of the love of Jesus, that surpasses knowledge.

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“The Lord is my Shepherd” brought to life with David's Own Stories (Psalm 23)

This is David’s best loved Psalm, but how did he come to write it? We piece together stories from throughout his life that could have provided inspiration for each part of the song.

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Is Tithing for Today, and if not, how much should we give now in the New Covenant? (2 Cor 8 & 9)

Was tithing actually 10% ?, what does the New Testament say about it, and what are the principles for how much we should give?

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