
New Creation in Christ: the Effect of being Joined to Jesus (1 Cor 15; Rom 6:5-14)

iving in the New, not the Old: Here is a challenge to grasp the implications of what the Bible says about our radical new status and see two huge ways in which being in the New Creation changes everything.

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How did Jesus Express the Gospel message? —since he hadn't yet died (Luke 14, Mark 8, John 10)

The preaching of Jesus came down to one thing, ‘Follow me!’ Understanding what this means is key to both becoming a Christian and growing as a Christian

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Evangelism for Timid Christians (Journey to Jesus) — John 3 & 4

  • Why do most Christians find it so hard to share the Gospel?
    • fearful of being looked down on
    • don’t know what to say
    • it could create an awkward moment


  • To provide some practical help and encouragement for sharing our faith
  • Key idea: New Life comes in a moment, but conversion is often a journey
  • God’s job is to save them. Ours is simply to help them on the journey

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Knowing How Much you are Loved by God (Eph 3:14-21)

The greatest joy in the Christian life is to feel and know the intensity of the love of Jesus, that surpasses knowledge.

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A New Revelation of Love (1 John 4:7-11)

We already knew that God is a God of power yet compassion, purity yet forgiveness, high above all but utterly faithful as a friend. But Jesus revealed something new, something shocking, something almost unbelievable, at the very core of the supreme being.

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Baptism: Leaving the Old and Entering the New (Romans 6:3–11)

The truth behind baptism is deeply empowering and encouraging, and can explain some of the tensions we experience as we try to live the Christian life.

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How Jesus' Resurrection Directly Empowers Us (John 20, 1 Cor 15, Col 3)

The resurrection of Jesus was not simply coming back to life, but the start of a new kind of humanity. It gives us access to a new kind of life within us—empowered for victory.

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Mark in a Month 6. Loving and Worshipping the One Who Ransomed us

Let us read the last three chapters, and feel what it was like for Jesus, the one who paid our ransom, and be filled with love and adoration for him.

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Mark in a Month 4. The Unexpected Message at the Center of Mark (8:22-10:52)

The center of Mark holds the core of Jesus’ teachings, but it is not what anyone was expecting. Even today there are many who think they are followers of Jesus but don’t understand this idea. First and foremost the challenge is to us, to follow Jesus in this surprising way.

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Connecting Deeply with Jesus as a Human (Heb 4:15-16)

Jesus became a man, in part, so that we could have a deep relationship with him. The challenge today is, how can we deepen that relationship?

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