
How We Should Bring our Complaints to God (Psalms 54 & 142)

  • A third of the book of Psalms is devoted to bringing complaints to God.
  • But the form of these complaints is very specific.
  • By giving us so many pslams in this form, God is telling us that he wants to hear the honest cries of our heart,
  • but also teaching us how he wants us to bring these complaints to him.

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Truth that brings life — Col 1:1-11

In this remarkable passage we see a vivid image of the New Creation that links back to the old, but also points forward to how we can spread the Gospel, and the source of growth and fruit in our lives.

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Evangelism: the Journey to Jesus--A Helpful Example in John 4:43-54

Even if you are a Christian, there are some deep challenges in this story. Jesus wants to keep moving you along the journey until you really know who he is, and act accordingly.

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