
How We Should Bring our Complaints to God (Psalms 54 & 142)

  • A third of the book of Psalms is devoted to bringing complaints to God.
  • But the form of these complaints is very specific.
  • By giving us so many pslams in this form, God is telling us that he wants to hear the honest cries of our heart,
  • but also teaching us how he wants us to bring these complaints to him.

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The Father Heart of God (Part 1) Luke 12 & 15

Because our parents were imperfect, we can have problems with God as a parent figure. It is so important to correct this so that we can experience the intimacy and security that the Father offers us.

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What the Bible says about Blessing

What does it mean to bless someone? Does it actually do anything? How can a human bless God? We need a firm Biblical foundation for answering these questions.

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Mark in a Month 5. Two Difficult Passages in Mark (11:23-24 & ch.13)

Most of Mark’s Gospel is very easy to understand, but here are a couple of passages that give people problems: Jesus’ instructions about praying in faith seem confusing, and his predictions about the end of the age are hard to make sense of.

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Setting up Stones to Remember what God has Done (Josh 4 & 1 Sam 7)

The practice of ‘raising up stones’ is a powerful one that we should be doing to grow in our faith. Here are some stories to get you started.

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Connecting Deeply with Jesus as a Human (Heb 4:15-16)

Jesus became a man, in part, so that we could have a deep relationship with him. The challenge today is, how can we deepen that relationship?

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