
How the Cross and Resurrection changed Everything — Col 2:8-19

Union with Christ in both his death and resurrection is the single most important truth in the whole of Christianity. If you truly understand what it means for you, and live out of this new reality, then it will affect you profoundly.

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How Jesus' Resurrection Directly Empowers Us (John 20, 1 Cor 15, Col 3)

The resurrection of Jesus was not simply coming back to life, but the start of a new kind of humanity. It gives us access to a new kind of life within us—empowered for victory.

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Joined to Jesus--A Truth that can have a Massive Impact if we get it

The story of the man of God, Hudson Taylor is that although he was living an extraordinary life of service, he had a deep feeling of his own sin and failure. When the Spirit opened his eyes to the Scriptures about being united with Jesus, in an instant he received a joy which lasted the rest of his life. What was this truth?

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