- This psalm is beautifully constructed, and designed to stir our hearts to praise God by painting a picture of how he cares for us so deeply.
- What encouragement!
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- A quick recap from 2 weeks ago about blessing God
- We are not giving God any kind of special gift, just the gift of our words of praise.
- Here are some examples:
1. Read Psalm 103 together
- explain parallelism
Psalm 103
by David
Call to Praise - Let’s sing blessings with all that is in us!
- Bless the Lord, O my soul,and all that is within me, bless his holy name!
- Bless the Lord, O my soul,and do not forget all his kindnesses.
1. SAFE — For health and physical blessings
- who forgives all your sins,who heals all your diseases,
- who delivers your life from the Pit,who crowns you with faithful love [chesed] and compassion,
- who satisfies you with goodso your youth is renewed like an eagle’s.
2. SECURE — The way God rules: just, kind, compassional, fair & forgiving
- The Lord does what is fair,and executes justice for all who are oppressed.
- He revealed his ways to Moses,his deeds to the people of Israel.
- Merciful and compassionate is the Lordslow to anger and abounding in faithful love [chesed].
- He will not always chide,nor will he keep his anger forever.
- He does not deal with us according to our sins,nor repay us according to our iniquities.
3. LOVED — The grace he shows when we constantly fail him
- For as high as the heavens are above the earth,so great is his faithful love [chesed] toward those committed to him;
- As far as the east is from the west,so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
- As a father shows compassion to his children,so the Lord shows compassion to those committed to him.
- For he knows our frame;he remembers that we are dust.
4. ETERNAL VALUE — He gives us immortality, and our lives will count in his kingdom forever
- A person’s life is like grass.Like a flower in the field it flourishes,
- but when hot wind blows, it’s gone,and no one even remembers its location
- But the faithful love [chesed] of the Lord is from eternity to eternity for his faithful followers,and his faithfulness to their descendants,
- to those who follow his covenant,who remember his commands.
- The Lord has established his throne in heaven;his kingdom extends over everything.
Call for the whole universe to praise and bless the Lord
- Bless the Lord, you his angels of great strength,who do his word, obedient to his command.
- Bless the Lord, all you his heavenly warriors,you servants of his who carry out his desires.
- Bless the Lord, all that he has madein all the places of his kingdom.Bless the Lord, O my soul!
translation by Andrew Fountain
- [chesed] – I preached on this back on the first Sunday in April“A love that will never let you go!
2. Have compassion on ourselves
- Some people fear self-compassion because they equate it with self-pity
- looking at oneself as a pathetic and sorry excuse for a person.
- That isn’t self-compassion; it is self-disdain.
- But isn’t repentance about putting on sackcloth and putting ashes on our head?
- This can lead to a huge problem, e.g.
- But I am not a follower of Jesus today, I thought I had to repent and be sorry for my sin?
- This is exactly the point. People think that if they are sad enough about their sin, God will forgive them
- It is like paying for your sin with sadness and sorrow
- But that is totally wrong—repentance is changing the direction of your life to following Jesus
- You don’t even have the strength to do this yourself, but just come and ask God
- He is the gentle father that is so glad to have you back!
- My example
- How to comfort others (as the text says)
- This is a clear command, and ends with ourselves, so lets read that back into the early parts of the verse
- A good parent is patient with their children, even when they are not doing what they are told
- God is gentle and patient with us
- A good example is Jesus with Peter:
- How did Peter respond? —Because of Jesus’ encouragement, his shame was taken away and he…
- People who are harsh on themselves are usually harsh on others!
3. Continually sing and praise God
- The reason I am going to go through the song is so that when we sing it, you will know that you are doing what this sermon is about
- Reflect on v.14 above and
- Let’s bless God right now!